Sexual desire, or libido, can vary greatly between a couple and another, and can cause problems in a relationship. Sometimes couples need to deal with this for give a little the rules associated with the relationship, but a better solution would be that both had the libido more or less the same level.
Sexual desire varies among individuals and may also vary by a person also it depends on the age, time of day, load, stress, location, etc.
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Libido – What to do when the couple is incompatible #1 – When the couple’s libido is out of sync
When the libido is very out of sync, most often a partner will feel frustrated and the other may feel inadequate for that relationship. This can lead to moodiness, poorly chosen words, anger, resentment, etc.
This problem can even take a partner seek out the relationship fulfillment of what he believes he needs. Usually, the problems related to the “incompatible” libido are mainly emotional and it’s really important to recognize that these emotions stem from beliefs. Any thought that begins with the words “I need …” is a belief.
Libido – What to do when the couple is incompatible #2 – Two approaches to the problem
There are two approaches here that can help. One is to reduce the high sexual desire in partner who has a high sex drive. The other is to increase the low sexual desire in people who have a low sex drive.
If you simply want to be more compatible in terms of libido with your partner and the difference is not very large, sexual desire can be reduced safely if you apply a technique of suggestion. When you use this technique of suggestion, that allows your partner a hint of choice in your subconscious.
Libido – What to do when the couple is incompatible #3 – How to train the subconscious
- I am happy to wait until the (name) is ready
- If I have to wait, it will be even better
- I do not need sex as much as I thought I needed
Two of these suggestions make no mention of sex. Your subconscious will understand the specific intent, since you think about sex with your partner before using the phrase. These mantras define the context in which the subconscious can apply to verbal instruction.
If the libido is low, then it may well be increased. Before using this subconscious strategy, you must first delete all the common causes of sexual problems, because they can cause low sex drive.
If you also need to use the suggestion to increase sex drive, here are some examples of positive statements that you can visualize.
- I want more sex, I want more sex
- I love the way we have sex
- I want to sexual stimulation every day
You can be much more explicit and graphic with your suggestions if you want to be.
Libido – What to do when the couple is incompatible #4 – Causes of low sex drive
- Low libido may also be caused by the following:
- Stress, anxiety, depression and feelings of low self-esteem.
Stress affects people on a large scale, but often have relatively simple solutions. Regarding the anxiety and depression is advisable to seek a professional.
There are also some common physical factors that can cause low libido. Here are the most common:
Excess weight tends to decrease libido and tobacco also negatively affects the libido.
Some drugs and medications can affect libido. significant hormonal changes can affect libido.
Physical health may result in an effect on libido, any significant and unexpected change in libido can justify a trip to see your doctor if you do not know the reason for it.
Libido – What to do when the couple is incompatible #5 – Supplements
The Virectil are here to help, we rely on a wide range of highly researched products that can help you combat this problem by allowing you to have a more satisfying sex life. You do not need to be part of the statistics of men who suffer from this problem.
The Potenzia Pack Duo, for example, is the ideal combination for increasing male sexual potency. It combines the Potenzia Drops with Potenzia Gel, which together promote an increase in sexual appetite and more intense orgasms.
Potenzia drops male aphrodisiac is an aphrodisiac liquid for man and can be taken with any drink, which take effect in the same way. It is 100% natural and a very safe product, it acts as a stimulant aphrodisiac, creating a sense of uncontrollable desire.
In addition to improving sexual performance, this medicine helps improve energy levels and general well-being. Even allows aid effectively on issues such as, fatigue, age, and lack of intimacy with your partner.
The liquid Potenzia is ideal to spice up the sex life of any man. This aphrodisiac improves blood circulation to the sex organs, strengthens the erection and increases sexual desire. For more information and how to buy, click here.
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