Returning items back to us is very simple; begin by contacting us
- If you would like to return an item because you no longer want it or have changed your mind, you can return it to us within 7-days in its original condition for a hassle free refund.
- If on delivery you find that the packaging has become damaged and your items have in turn become damaged, contact us as soon as possible to arrange a resend.
- You will be notified when our warehouse has received the item and when your refund has been placed or resend sent out. This is so you are kept in the loop at all points throughout this process.
- You will be refunded using the same payment method used when purchasing your items in the first place.
It is possible to cancel an order that has not yet shipped. Depending on your card issuer and bank, refunds can take 2-3 working days.
As soon as we receive your item back at our warehouse, you will be notified. We will also keep you notified when your refund is processed or when your resend is being sent out.
It’s important to contact us as soon as you discover a fault. Contact our customer service team with your order number, item name and what the fault is, we’ll send you a replacement out to you as soon as possible.
Please contact us if you think that an item is missing from your order. Let us know your order number and we will get back to you as soon as possible to send the missing items to you.