We should all be better informed about STI, tests, and treatments. Most of us take some risks when having sex – at least sometimes. Sometimes people start having sex without a condom and then they put it in half the sex. This is not a good idea.
STI – 7 Things you should know about venereal diseases #1 – There are over one hundred strains of human papillomavirus (HPV)
Some of these are called “high risk” strains. Since they are linked to cancer of the cervix and vulva (in women), penis (in men), and anus, head, and neck (in men and women). Others are called “low-risk.” These are most often linked to non-cancerous health issues such as genital warts that may come and go.
Genital warts are sometimes more likely to resurface when a person’s immune system is weak. Smokers may be more likely to have a recurrence of warts. Trauma to the skin, such as shaving, can trigger the return of warts as well.
STI – 7 Things you should know about venereal diseases #2 – The herpes simplex virus – commonly known as “herpes” – can affect a person’s genitals or mouth.
When the herpes simplex virus (HSV) appears in the genitals, it is called “genital herpes” and when it appears in the mouth, it is called “oral herpes.” The virus can be transmitted during oral sex, vaginal sex, and anal sex. Condom use can reduce the risk of transmission when used from the beginning to the end of sex.
Some people think that herpes can only be passed during an outbreak. However, it can be passed even when there are no wounds present. This means that even if your partner’s genitals appear to look good, it does not mean that he or she is free of the virus.
STI – 7 Things you should know about venereal diseases #3 – Syphilis is sneaky
It is sneaky in the way that because it is a bacterial disease, many people think they are easily protected against it by the use of condoms. And while it is true that condom use can greatly reduce the risk of contracting or switching to syphilis, there are exceptions. In cases where someone has a syphilis injury, if the condom does not cover the wound/injury, syphilis can be passed even with good condom use.
Syphilis can be transmitted during oral, vaginal or anal sex and can cause death if left untreated (which is rare in some countries). On the positive side, it can be easily cured when it is identified at an early stage.
STI – 7 Things you should know about venereal diseases #4 – Gonorrhea is becoming harder to heal.
Gonorrhea used to be very easy to heal. Today, in most cases, certain “breeds” of gonorrhea have developed that are resistant to the antibiotics normally used to get rid of the infection.
If you test positive for gonorrhea, follow your doctor’s recommendations on treatment and follow-up to make sure the infection goes away. Like most STDs, gonorrhea can be passed through oral, vaginal or anal sex. Condom use can greatly reduce the risk of transmission.
STI – 7 Things you should know about venereal diseases #6 – HIV/AIDS does not occur only in homosexuals
Although homosexual men constitute a disproportionately large proportion of HIV infections, they are not the only ones infected with HIV/AIDS. Myths that suggest that HIV / AIDS is a “gay disease” hurt everyone. They still stigmatize gay men. These myths also put other people at risk who may not take the precautions that should protect themselves and their partners.
Talk to your doctor about HIV. Get tested for HIV and make sure your current and future partners are also tested. Know that condom use can greatly reduce the risk of HIV transmission. So use a condom from start to finish when you have sex. HIV is most easily transmitted through anal sex or vaginal sex, but it can also, more rarely, be transmitted through oral sex.
STI – 7 Things you should know about venereal diseases #7 – Having an STD does not ruin your sex life
We need to start talking openly about how important it is to be tested for STIs. We need to ask partners to take STD tests, including HIV.
Some STDs can be cured. Even those that do not yet have a cure (such as herpes, HPV, and HIV) can be treated. In short, having an STD can change some aspects of your life.
It will make you need to talk to sexual partners about your STD status. You will also need to start using condoms every time you have sex. However, you can still have a happy, meaningful and fun sex life.
Knowing is never too much. Learn about STIs and HIV can save your life, the life of your partner, or that of your children. Always read about these subjects.
Read more:
The first time with a new sexual partner – 6 Tips
Pain during sex – See what the causes and solutions