Jelq exercise – You can increase your penis size?
Some people do not believe it, but through exercise Jelq and natural supplements can make the penis enlargement. It is normal for many people discrediting because as common knowledge is that men are stuck with the penis they were born. However, this knowledge is wrong.
Fortunately, this myth that penis enlargement is impossible, is disappearing. The internet itself offers plenty of evidence that this is possible. Research indicates that at least 1.3 million people have been doing regular exercises to increase your penis. Many of these men are in online communities to discuss the results.
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The astonishing fact that they never told you about penis enlargement
Jelq exercise – Does Size Really Matter?
There are several arguments about the importance of penis size. Some people claim that their best lovers had a huge penis. Others often say that size does not matter, but the ability to excite a woman. For some, penis size is something very irrelevant.
On the other hand, for other people, the penis size is very important. For men, especially, this is something very important. Men have a tendency to compare and compete. They want to be faster, stronger, and higher. This also happens when comes to penis size.
Jelq Exercise – Which is more important: length or width?
According to recent research, the length of the penis is not as important as the width or thickness. The thicker the penis, more women will be able to feel it in their vaginal walls. This is why the majority of women prefer width than length.
Jelq exercise – Exercises
The Jelq is the foundation for the penis enlargement exercises. No matter what your goal, increase or thicken the penis, Jelq will help you. It works very well because of the position where the hand should be. The hand must make an OK sign, this works because the blood is easily pushed along the penis.
This exercise also builds pressure inside the penis, with time, this pressure causes the penis to expand, getting bigger in length and width, as it becomes harder and stronger too.
Lubrication. For exercise, you will need a lubricant, see that is the most recommended, click here. Eventually, you may be able to practice the exercise without lubrication, but at first use lubricant.
The lubricant leaves the skin smooth, which helps to minimize any undesirable side effects, such as darkening of the skin, for example. The lubrication also makes easier the learning process.
Not use water, moisturizing lotions and soaps. Water is not a good lubricant because it does not last more than a few exercises. Moisturizing lotions and soaps are bad because they often cause skin irritation and leave the penis with itchy.
Jelq exercise – Step-by-step
It is not necessary extreme pressure for this exercise to work. The goal is that the blood is pushed to the penis and not forced. Make an Ok sign with his hands, this is the grip used.
Starting position. You can sit or stand for this exercise, but many men prefer to sit with her legs open. Keep your back straight and let gravity do the blood go to your pelvic area.
First step. Pass the lubricant on your penis and start movements until the penis is almost erect, but not fully erect.
Second step. With both hands, use your thumb and forefinger to create the OK sign around the base of the penis. Place the closest possible to grip the pubic bone.
Third step. Apply a little pressure to grip and gently move to the head of the penis. The ideal pressure is one that does not make you feel pain, but at the same time milking the penis.
Fourth step. Stop tightening before reaching the head of the penis. Do not do this exercise in the glans. You completed a Jelq, each will take about two or three seconds.
Step Five. Immediately take your other hand and repeat the process. Change hands until you reach the desired number of repetitions.
Exercise Jelq- Natural Supplements
Suppose not need to go through painful methods and still achieve an excellent result. This process can be done with help of natural supplements. Forcing the cells as much as possible and in a short time.
We’re talking about the Enlarge XXL Trio Pack of Virectil.
Together with three products that are complementary and can be used in just three steps:
- Dilute 20 drops daily of Enlarge XXL Drops into your drink in the morning, which is the time of day that your body is more receptive to absorbing nutrients.
- Consume two capsules of Enlarge XXL Caps per day will bring to the bloodstream the nutrients essential for growth.
- Apply a layer of gel Enlarge XXL Gel at bedtime. It will act overnight increasing the development of the penis size.
The results will be seen already in the first week, but it is recommended to continue making applications until the end of treatment. For more information visit the product website: Information about penis enlargement – VIRECTIL.
No matter the reason of your discontent, whether aesthetic, spouse pressure, lack of enjoyment of the partner or something else, now is possible to enlarge the penis naturally, safely and effectively. Do not waste time!