Orgasm is one of the life’s most powerful and enjoyable experiences. It is an experience that is much sought after and celebrated, but it is also feared and repressed. The subjective experience of orgasm is different for everyone, becoming an enigma.
Many cultures throughout history have tried to define it, contain it, or release it. However, after several thousand years of attention to the subject. There is still much to understand about its meaning and its tremendous potential for pleasure.
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How would you describe an orgasm? Is it possible to intensify it? #1 – Describing orgasm
There are many ways to describe orgasms. For example, a woman may say she had a vaginal or clitoral orgasm as a result of vaginal or clitoral stimulation. Or you can talk about an orgasm by describing the sensations it produced. Por example, as a hot tingling sensation, a shock wave or an explosion of pleasure.
You can describe how it progresses in your body, as a sequence of sensations that ripples from your genitals to the fingers and toes. Or you can describe the effect it had on your connection to your partner, such as a feeling of fusion or magnetization with one another.
Your orgasm can be described in relation to a more spiritual meaning that you have given to it, as a liberation in oneness with God or with the whole universe. The following descriptions came from a research on orgasms in response to a question asking people to describe a particularly pleasant experience of orgasm. You can see the great variety in the answers:
How would you describe an orgasm? Is it possible to intensify it? #2 – Variation on description of orgasms
I experienced a very deep vaginal orgasm, and it seemed like a lot of energy was being released through my entire body.
I felt something very exciting, a vibration, a warm feeling coming through me… it started in my belly, it came out of my vagina, and just kept going and going and going… There was no real ending, just a leveling.
I felt the pleasure move completely through my body, slowly from my feet to my head, moving outward. I also had the feeling of a strong ejaculation, as if I were a man, this was very powerful and strong. The euphoria and happiness progress within me, until my whole body was wrapped and totally open to me and my partner. Then I cried with joy.
How would you describe an orgasm? Is it possible to intensify it? #3 – The Meaning
What does orgasm mean to you? Why do you have orgasms, or try to have? Is it important whether you have it or not? Understanding the significance of orgasm for you can help focus on increasing libido if necessary. Are you doing it for pleasure, for procreation, or for love?
Like the descriptions of this experience, the meanings that people encounter in orgasm vary greatly. We are influenced by our culture and our personal experiences. And each of us ends with our own view of this mysterious phenomenon.
How would you describe an orgasm? Is it possible to intensify it? #4 – Essential
Whatever the meaning you give to orgasmic experience, it may be different depending on the type of sexual behavior, the nature of a particular relationship, or the type or quality of the orgasm itself. It can also change the course of your life. Their sexuality is variable and malleable.
The meanings that people give their orgasms are as unique and varied as the people themselves. They are windows in their souls and show diversity within each person and between different people. It is important to allow these types of personal narratives when discussing sex. They come to the heart of the matter and show what is really essential about orgasm for many people.
How would you describe an orgasm? Is it possible to intensify it? #5 – How to Intensify orgasm
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The Virectil Turbo Woman is an extremely powerful and effective aphrodisiac, 100% natural. It has been a success among women from around the world. It has fast action, allowing the female sex drive increase rapidly. Virectil Turbo Women also improves mood and the desire to have sex, and increase blood flow in the genital area, it causes clitoral sensitivity increases.