Couples in love know the importance that the sounds have during sex, but what have you ever wondered: What sounds I do during sex? What sounds I like to hear during sex? What sounds I like to do? What music I like to hear during sex?
You will learn in this article what are some sounds that you can do to make sex more enjoyable. Our body was made in a very sensitive way to auditory stimulation.
Although women are more sensitive to words and sounds, the men are also encouraged as well. Practice these exercises and see how your body reacts. You will be surprised to feel the answers that your body gives.
Some sounds may seem silly and make you laugh. Other sounds will actually stimulate your desire, and others will make you feel very sexy. Just do and observe the results.
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Couples in love teach the sounds of sex #1 – Moan
Listen to how you sound when making a groan. The sound is coming out is the way you wish you were? Practice more. Try to moan a little more guttural. Keep practicing. Try to moan louder and then lower.
Couples in love teach the sounds of sex #2 – Sigh
There are literally thousands of chords in a sigh. How is your breath? It is deep and relaxed? You need to pass through the breath what you are feeling at that moment, just so the partner will know what he needs to do.
Try to pass through the breath you want him to keep doing what you’re doing. You can also show that you like what is being made through the gasps.
Couples in love teach the sounds of sex #3 – Snarling
If you are more conservative may feel strange growl, but try at least once. Let the animal in you out and drive new experiences during sex. Send a message to your partner with his roar.
Practice until you have several different growls. His growl can say pleasure, need, completion, and something that is not very civilized.
Couples in love teach the sounds of sex #4 – Purring
Imagine the first touch, the first lap, the first time you start the journey to the passion and pleasure. How nice. Expectations for this moment are fantastic.
Several moments like this to come. Take that feeling and purr to express the feelings in your body. Yes, do not be ashamed, purr.
Couples in love teach the sounds of sex #5 – Scream
There are orgasms and moments of such intensity that only a scream can express the feeling. Try shouting without loud or discomfort often associated with screams.
The screams have a bad reputation because there is often a discordant quality to them. Obviously you need to use common sense. When someone is in ecstasy routes and lets out a scream that, unfortunately, pierces the eardrum is very unpleasant.
We know it is difficult to control the sounds when passion is at the peak of the moment. Therefore it is necessary to practice because practicing a cry can help you lower it and make it a horny all the time. Scream through your belly, not your throat. Scream whenever you feel it, and remember that you are lucky to feel it.
Couples in love teach the sounds of sex #6 – Shout
It is more common for men let out a shout than women. The scream is a scream throat background, but is usually vocalized by the same motivations as the cry.
If you are still in doubt as to what can be a shout, remember Tarzan and his shouts. The shouts are music to our ears then shout to let your partner know exactly how well you are feeling at that moment.
Couples in love teach the sounds of sex #7 – Deep Breath
Breathing sounds entering their lungs can be very stimulating. The air inlet and outlet, once after another, are very relaxing. The deep sound breathless and slow, will not only excite your partner, but will also excite you.
A deep breath is relaxed so that the whole body responds with an enhanced sensitivity. When you breathe deeply, you can focus on touch, the feel and the smell of sex.
Deep breathing and breathy sounds, increase and cause deep feelings and intense passion. Observe the breath stimulate their erogenous areas. Use your breath to enhance the pleasure of both.
Couples in love teach the sounds of sex #8 – Silence
The sounds of silence are often as powerful as the sounds of sex. There are so intense moments, so agitated, when the body is so aware that you can only be silent.
The couple is so mixed with one another in such a deep connection that there is no consciousness, no thought and no sound. There is a silence. And then there is a release with the sounds of sex, a harmony of sounds.
Take these tips to increase your sexual experience, but you can also make use of good aphrodisiacs to enhance this moment, go www.virectil.es.