Women and sex. Women really like sex. This is one of the most important things that men need to understand, and it is one of the most difficult things for men to understand.
Women and sex – Woman wants sex more than you think! #1 – Women are much more sexual than men
In fact, women are much more sexual than most men can understand. Look at someone’s first-person story of this: After my wife and I began making strides in our sex lives, there was an area where my wife was still feeling inhibited. When I traveled, I could not get her to have sex on the phone with me. That’s because she had some remnant feeling that this was not “real sex” and was somehow dirty.
But, after demonstrating to her, biblically, that there was nothing “wrong” or “sinful” about sex over the phone, she (finally) was willing to try. So, on my next business trip, having established an emotional connection with her, talking about her day and the kids (which allowed her to feel very close to me), I took advantage of this to change the conversation in a romantic direction.
And then I changed the conversation in a sensual direction. And then, finally, in a sexual direction. I’ve become extremely good at making phone calls. I was absolutely deadly. The phone rang and I knew within an hour she would be screaming in orgasmic ecstasy. When I picked up the phone with her and released her repressed sexual potential, she became a totally sexual creature; All this from a girl who was too shy to try to call in the beginning!
Women and sex – Woman wants sex more than you think! #2 – Accept your wife’s sexuality
Movies, TV shows, stories, what other people told us, what our parents told us, all that “social programming” told us that we needed to convince women to have sex. It almost made it seem that sex with his wife was a task she performed as a reward.
At the beginning of my marriage, it seemed that she loved sex. This led me to try an experiment. What I would do would be to leave her naked in bed and then hesitate. I’d stop as much as I could. If she persisted, even more, I’d tell her “I’m not really wanting sex for tonight.”
Basically, I was purposely not having sex with her, just to see what would happen. What happened is she got angry!
Women and sex – Woman wants sex more than you think! #3 – Women love sex
Women really want to have sex! Not as a reward for the husband, but simply because women love sex! This, along with the women’s stories I have counseled, along with all the factual evidence of reality, has clearly shown that women not only love sex but in fact, women are much more “sexual” than men. Women elaborate intricate fantasies beyond anything men can imagine. For women, it is largely mental and emotional.
Women and sex – Woman wants sex more than you think! # 4 – Women Like to Be Taken
This does NOT mean that women want to be raped. Certainly not! Rape destroys your wife’s sexuality for life. But in the context of consent, mental stimulation, emotional relationship, and confidence, women like to be taken.
Now, this does NOT mean that women want to be treated like “whores”. Certainly not! But in the right context, with the husband, women like to become sexually relentlessly expressive creatures. In many cases, women are much more excited than men.
Women and sex – Woman wants sex more than you think! #5 – Natural Aphrodisiac for Women
Orgasm Turbo Pack is the best combination in the market to increase female sexual desire. It combines the best in Virectil Turbo Woman with Gel, which together will promote an increase in libido, more intense orgasms and satisfying.
Enjoy temporary promotion where you get a Turbo Pack and gains a Spray bottle. This kit will bring a big improvement in your sexual performance and this effect is clearly seen in a few minutes because he has quick action. Click here for more product information and to purchase.
The Virectil Turbo Woman is an extremely powerful and effective aphrodisiac, 100% natural. It has been a success among women from around the world. It has fast action, allowing the female sex drive increase rapidly. Virectil Turbo Women also improves mood and the desire to have sex, and increase blood flow in the genital area, it causes clitoral sensitivity increases.
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