Many people are afraid of getting old and not accounting for sex in old age. In Taoism, our bodies are considered microcosms of the natural world. So we should think of ourselves and our sexuality as changing seasons like spring, summer, fall, winter.
However, Taoist masters were able to turn the seasons over again, experiencing the second spring in old age. Consumed with the quest for immortality, they found in Sexual Kung Fu a true source of youth. All modern studies show that an active sex life is essential to combat the effects of aging and to maintain health.
Let’s explore how sex can really help you live longer and what specifically you need to know how your sexuality changes.
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Sex in old age – How to improve sexual performance #1 – Sex and Aging
You’re never too young to read about sex and aging. In the West, we tend to think of aging as something that happens at the end of life, but the aging process begins at birth and our sexuality changes every few years. The sooner you read this article, the better you will be.
You are also never too old to read this article because according to the Tao, sex is a lifelong activity that is possible and desirable until the day you die. In the West, older men who are still interested in sex are considered lascivious – “dirty old men.” The Tao never had this prejudice, on the contrary, sex was seen as being even more important for the health and longevity of men and women.
In terms of pleasure, rather than power, a man’s ability to satisfy his partner only increases as he gains more experience and control. Although a man can no longer stand erect instantly or be able to toss his ejaculation as much as he could as a teenager, these changes hardly compromise his ability as a lover.
Sex in old age – How to improve sexual performance #2 – How Your Body Changes
Inevitably, there are a lot of physiological changes that occur as you get older. For example, if you are over fifty, you probably need the more direct stimulation of the genitals to get an erection than when you were younger.
This is not because your sexual appetite or your attraction to your partner has disappeared, but simply because your physiology changes as you age. In addition, your erection is probably less firm. Also, if you ejaculate, the force of ejaculation is less and your recovery time is longer.
These shifts in decreasing physical strength and stamina are no different from changes in any other physical ability as you get older. You do not expect to be able to run as fast or as far in sixty as you could at twenty. But there is a difference between sex and sports in relation to aging: your ability in bed can actually improve.
Sex in old age – How to improve sexual performance #3 – Your Body and Sex
We hope you now understand that sexuality for the older man is not a slippery slope for sexual inadequacy. Firstly, it is necessary for you to obtain and maintain a healthy and practical body.. Exercise not only improves sexual ability but increases sexual desire and orgasms.
Your abdomen, hips, buttocks and thighs are especially important muscles. Keeping these strong muscles is essential for maintaining sexual vitality. Regular sex is a excellent way to maintain physical health.
Sex in old age – How to improve sexual performance #4 – Anus and buttocks
According to the Tao, a great deal of sexual energy escapes from our anus and buttocks. Try to squeeze your buttocks and you will see how powerful this muscle is to contain energy and send it up your spine. Taoist doctors have considered the strength of a person’s anal sphincter an important health sign. A loose, weak sphincter is a sign of poor health; A strong sphincter, a sign of good health.
Sex in old age – How to improve sexual performance #5 – Natural Supplement to Increase Sexual Performance
Potenzia Turbo Pack is the perfect combination to increase sexual potency of man. Are two products when combined, promote well as increased libido, stronger erections and more satisfying orgasms. Enjoy and check out the temporary promotion where you buy a Potenzia Turbo Pack and get a Potenzia Spray bottle.
The Virectil Turbo Man is a natural male aphrodisiac for men. This aphrodisiac creates a sense of uncontrollable desire. In addition to improving sexual performance, it helps improve energy levels and general well being, allowing aid effectively on issues such as, fatigue, age, lack of intimacy with your partner, worry or stress.
This aphrodisiac is also recommended for other disorders, such as sexua impotence, erectile dysfunction, low male sexual desire. Its advanced formula allows the man to get firmer erections in a short time. This product is ideal to spice up the sex life of any man. Learn more about this and others products, here.