If you want to know how to attract women to bed, no doubt you are in the right place. Many people say that women are very complicated and difficult to meet, might have some truth in this. However, with the right information, you will find the way to achieve that goal.
How to attract women to bed # 1 – Trilogy of clit
The clitoral trilogy is a theory that says that women have three clitoris, rather than one, and they are all connected. If you only stimulate one or even two of the three, the other will die of hunger. The first clitoris is what everyone is already familiar in the vaginal area. The second clitoris is the mind, and the third is the heart, all should be stimulated to attract women to bed.
To stimulate the heart clitoris, you just have to be a decent person. Have integrity and do what you say you will do. Make the woman feel safe. To stimulate the brain clitoris, you need to leave the boy and bring out the bad boy.
Women are genetically programmed to look for the alpha male, what stands out in the group. The heart wants security, the brain wants emotion. Man must understand the different needs of various clitoris. If you involve the brain clitoris and calm the heart clitoris, the clitoris body will follow you anywhere, anytime.
How to attract women to bed # 2 – Bring all the confidence that you have
If you want to play different games, try new positions and go in different places, so you should be able to expose it. These ideas should come out of his mouth as the most natural and wonderful thing that you two could do together. If she hesitate, you must act as if you did not understand.
Be confident in everything you say and be absolutely fine with what you are. Do not apologize for anything about yourself. You have to like yourself to another person to like you.
How to attract women to bed # 3 – No complaints
Over the attempts to have sexual intercourse, make sure not complain about anything. Complaining is something very similar to mourn, and to have a man lamenting is extremely not sexy for normal and healthy women. Remember that in all his dating.
Nothing is more not sexy than chronic unhappiness. If you are not able to have a dating without complaining about someone or about something, then you do not deserve to have more than one dating and will definitely not be able to attract women to bed.
How to attract women to bed # 4 – Get her to share feelings
Intercourse also means communication, and if the woman can not talk to you or you can not talk to her, attract women to bed is something quite limited. The better you communicate verbally with your lover, the better the sex will be.
The quality of conversation is a big part of sex and, for most women, is the key to stimulate the brain clitoris. Through conversation, you will get to know what you need to learn about she, so that you can make her feel safe, thus reaching the clitoris heart.
Getting to share feelings it is usually not a problem. However, most women do not like to verbalize secrets about their anatomy. Therefore, it’s important you take it easy, slow, with hope to build a little confidence.
If you can make she open yourself, it will be worth much. Because once she talk about their fantasies, their preferred positions, their games and everything else, you will be able to attract her in your bed.
How to attract women to bed # 5 – Do not worry
Concern has no place in sex, concern is an anti-sex thing. Sex is for adults how the game is for the children and when children engage in a playful joke, they forget everything and engage in it. Adults should follow it.
Forget the bills, problems, work, children and please do not worry about penis size or if you will please your partner. Not that this is no reason to worry, but you need to exude confidence to attract a woman in your bed.
How to attract women to bed # 6 – Natural products Virectil
Another tip is to use stimulants for women become more excited. On site, you will also find male stimulants. However, let us focus on leave the woman more encouraged now. Orgasm Duo Pack, for example, is the perfect combination for increasing female sexual desire that combines Orgasm Drops with Orgasm Gel, which promote an increase in sexual desire, female libido and more intense and satisfying orgasms.
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