Vaginal orgasm. Several studies have found that while some women experience vaginal penetration orgasms alone, others do not.
What exactly explains this difference?
Some research suggests that one of the reasons behind this may be a difference in anatomy – specifically, the location of a woman’s clitoris in relation to her vagina.
Why are some women able to achieve orgasm during intercourse, but others can not? # 1 Scientific Research
Vaginal orgasm. Research has found that women who have a clitoris that gets closer to their vaginal opening are more likely to reach orgasm during sexual intercourse, compared to women who have a greater distance between these two body parts 2.
Specifically, when the distance is about one inch – roughly the width of an ordinary person’s thumb – orgasms of vaginal penetration are more likely.
It is theorized that this distance allows the penis to provide some degree of direct clitoral stimulation during intercourse, thus facilitating orgasm.
Larger distances probably create less clitoral stimulation and therefore less chance of orgasm.
Why are some women able to achieve orgasm during intercourse, but others can not? # 2 options for women with clitoris far
Vaginal orgasm. Women whose clitoris is further away from their vaginal opening may potentially increase the likelihood of orgasms during vaginal penetration by experimenting with different sexual positions in order to find one that provides more clitoral stimulation, such as the coitus alignment technique.
Another option would be for one of the partners to provide manual stimulation of the clitoris during intercourse.
This is not to say that clitoral-vaginal distance is the only factor that matters when it comes to women experiencing orgasms during vaginal intercourse .
It is also worth noting that a shorter distance is hardly a guarantee of orgasm.
Research has found that women’s chances of experiencing orgasm also depend on many other factors (for example, how many prior sexual experiences they had with the partner, what other sexual activities occur, etc.).
The important thing to keep in mind is that there are actually no “right” or “wrong” ways to have sex.
One of the biggest keys to a satisfying sex life is to become familiar with your own body and be willing to communicate with your partner about what is best.
Why are some women able to achieve orgasm during intercourse, but others can not? # 3 Can you tell if a woman is susceptible to orgasm based on the shape of her vaginal lips ?
Vaginal orgasm. Some women have more difficulty reaching orgasm than others during intercourse.
As a result, sex scientists began to look for biological markers associated with a greater likelihood of orgasm, in an attempt to better understand the origins of female sexual pleasure.
One such marker appears to be the distance between a woman’s clitoris and the vaginal opening .
Research has found that the closer the clitoris gets to the vaginal opening, the greater the chances of a woman achieving orgasm during sex .
This makes sense, since such positioning probably allows for a greater degree of clitoral stimulation.
However, scientists have found some other less obvious markers of female orgasm, and one of those features resides in a woman’s face.
Why are some women able to achieve orgasm during intercourse, but others can not? # 4 study on your vaginal lips
Vaginal orgasm. In a recent study published in Journal of Sexual Medicine , the researchers found evidence of a connection between a woman’s upper lip tuber and her likelihood of reaching orgasm throughpenetrative intercourse.
A sample of 258 mostly Scottish women completed an internet survey in which they reported how prominent the tuber of their upper lip was .
And they answered questions about her past experience with orgasms.
The prominence of the tuber was evaluated by asking the women to “look closely at a mirror in the center of the lip.
Why are some women able to achieve orgasm during intercourse, but others can not? # 5 Do It On You!
Vaginal orgasm. Compared with the part of your upper lip next to the center, you should note if:
A) prominent and clearly raised,
B) prominently and gradually raised,
C) slightly and sharply raised,
D) slightly and gradually raised,
F) slightly lower than the plane?
If you have not fully understood this question, you can also test and look in the mirror.
The results revealed that women with the most prominent tubers (ie, women who chose option A) were more likely to have vaginal orgasms in the past.
In addition, the prominence of the tubercle was linked to greater consistency in vaginal orgasms in the last month.
Why are some women able to achieve orgasm during intercourse, but others can not? # 6 forms of lip orgasms
Vaginal orgasm. That said, the prominence of the tuber was not associated with obtaining orgasm in other ways (eg through masturbation, use of vibrator, oral sex, etc.).
An important caveat to this is that no matter how prominent a woman’s tuber was, it was more likely that she had had a vaginal orgasm before.
Specifically, at least 2/3 of the women in each group of tubers reported having had vaginal orgasms.
Thus, having a flat tuber certainly does not lack required of orgasm ability – means only a slightly lower probability.
So what’s the point of all this?
Well, that’s not entirely clear.
The authors speculate that it provides evidence of a biological reason for differences in women’s ability to achieve orgasm.
Specifically, they describe prenatal exposure to hormones and argue that any hormones that cause the prominent tubercle lead to other biological changes that affect the potential of the female orgasm.
However, there are other possible explanations.
Perhaps the prominence of the tuber is confused with sexual desire , perceived attractiveness or something else that can change the female sexual behavior and, therefore, the likelihood of orgasm.
It is also possible that this is not a reliable finding because the measurement was not very accurate.
Remember that the prominence of the tuber was determined by the participants and not by the scientists, and in my opinion, the instructions given to determine the prominence were not very clear.
So I think these results require replication before someone starts making inferences about a woman’s sex life based on the shape of her lips.
Why are some women able to achieve orgasm during intercourse, but others can not? # 7 The Best Option For Vaginal Orgasms
If you have tried to use all the above but unsuccessful tips, what you are missing is a good lubricator.
The vaginal orgasm must happen in your life often and for this nothing better than the accessories.
What is Orgasm Female Aphrodisiac Gel used for ?
Increases female desire and pleasure Instantly increases genital blood supply Allows for a more powerful and satisfying orgasm .
Immediate increase in sensitivity Dramatically improves sexual appetite Delivers pleasurable sexual activity Promotes more and better orgasms
Get the Orgasm Feminine Aphrodisiac Gel it is the best combination that exists in the market, and can even be bought by the site ( http://virectil.com.br/) online.
The Female Aphrodisiac Orgasm Gel a 100% natural, applied and massaged composition on the clitoris will immediately give a very pleasant pruritus sensation in turn increasing the sensitivity.
You still have questions? You can contact our office for further information about this product.
Stay tuned for the next post if you want to open up more fan when it comes to good intimate chat!
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How to overcome premature ejaculation
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The Secrets Of Various Orgasms: How To Make A Girl Squirm Within Seconds!
[2] Wallen, K. and Lloyd, EA (2011). Female sexual excitement: genital anatomy and orgasm in sexual intercourse. Hormones and Behavior, 59, 780-792.