Curiously anal sex is still considered a taboo for many people and in many cultures. In the other hand, millions of men and women – heterosexual, gay and bisexual – are experiencing anal sex. The anus, richly endowed with nerve endings and interconnected with the major pelvic muscles, is the erogenous neighbor closest to the genitals and contracts rhythmically during orgasm.
However, anal taboo inhibits most people from thinking, talking and learning about the sexual use of the anus. Here are listed 7 top things that most men and women still do not know about anal sex.
Anal sex: 7 things that almost everyone wants to know #1 – Anal intercourse is the least practiced form of anal sex.
There are many ways to enjoy the anus erotically. The most common techniques include touching the anal opening while masturbating or stimulating a partner’s anus during intercourse or oral sex. Some people appreciate the feel of a finger hinting at its anal opening.
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Anal sex: 7 things that almost everyone wants to know #2 – Anal stimulation, including intercourse, is not painful if done correctly.
The belief that anal stimulation, especially sexual intercourse, has to hurt is a persistent and dangerous myth. Just as pain in any part of the body indicates that something is wrong, so is the same truth in the anal area.
With its high concentration of nerve endings, the anus can produce extreme agony when it is mistreated. However, it can be a source of great pleasure.
When a finger, object or penis is introduced into the anus, the anal muscles fight like an invasion. Under sufficient stress, they will eventually collapse and the pain will subside unless more damage is done.
Maximum anal pleasure requires the elimination of all pain or physical trauma from the anal experience. Self-protection by the passive partner involves being ready to say “no” until he or she is ready to proceed.
Anal sex: 7 things that almost everyone wants to know #3 – Anal sex can be enjoyed even if it has been uncomfortable in the past.
Chronic anal tension is the most common cause of anal discomfort during sex. Hemorrhoids and constipation are usually a sign of this condition. The tension in this act can be relieved by touching the anus and becoming more familiar with it. An ideal time to explore the anal opening is while taking a shower.
Anal sex: 7 things that almost everyone wants to know #4 – Anal Stimulation Can Lead To Orgasm
A minority of men and women may respond orgasmically to anal sex without direct genital stimulation. Women probably do this through contractions of the pelvic muscle.
When men experience an orgasm of anal stimulation, they tend to focus on the prostate. Undoubtedly, they are also responding to the indirect stimulation of the penis bulb.
Anal stimulation orgasms are more likely to occur when participants become completely absorbed in their sensations and fantasies.
Anal sex: 7 things that almost everyone wants to know #5 – Diet contributes to the pleasure of anal sex
Regular bowel movements are the main function of the anus and rectum. There must be enough fiber in your diet to make your stool soft, bulky and well-formed. Forced evacuations irritate the anal tissues, causing discomfort. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are important sources of fiber.
Anal sex: 7 things that almost everyone wants to know #6 – Hygiene rules
Since intercourse can be vaginal or rectal, many people assume that the same rules apply to vaginal penetration. However, they are radically different. The rectum is not straight. After the short anal canal that connects the anal opening to the rectum, the rectum leans forward from the body.
A person can learn about the shape of their rectum by gently inserting a soft object, trying different angles and positions of the body and focusing on how they feel. Make sure the object has a broad base so you do not miss it inside.
The rectum does not produce lubrication like the vagina, but only a small amount of mucus. Therefore, rectal penetration always requires a lubricant.
Chemical additives should be avoided. Water-based lubricants are compatible with latex and are the best choice for you.
The main function of the rectum is to act as a fecal passage. But stools are not usually stored in this place. Even small amounts can remain in the rectum. Inserting the showerhead before making love will help some people especially concerned about cleanliness to relax.
Anal sex: 7 things that almost everyone wants to know # 7 – Anal sex can be perfectly safe.
No physical injury resulting from anal stimulation results if both partners refuse to tolerate pain, never use force and avoid using drugs.
Those who enjoy anal intercourse should always use a condom. Of course, in a monogamous relationship with two healthy people, the risk of disease transmitted anally is reduced.