Masturbation is when a man touches his penis to achieve sexual pleasure, or for women, is the stimulation of the vulva, breasts or clitoris. It does no harm to health, except if it is done in an uncontrolled way, again and again. Masturbation is a natural way to explore the body. Very common at the beginning of puberty.
Although it is natural, many people feel shame or embarrassment of talking about it. This can occur because of the way the person was created, religious beliefs, or even how society views it.
Some think that only people who no have a spouse masturbate, but this is not true, many people in later life who have a partner masturbate. To think that these people are depraved and incapable sexually is not true.
Including one of the benefits of masturbation is to increase the sexual desire of the couple and even help with erectile dysfunction, see more on this subject here.
Myths about masturbation
Since ancient times, people did not want the usual masturbate, became popular. So there were several myths to frighten anyone wishing to do so. We will see that some myths are simply pointless, but some people still believe blindly.
Masturbation grows hair on hands
This is a myth of the oldest. Created by parents to scare their children and prevent them from masturbassem. But it has no basis.
The act does not have to grow by hands, what happens is usually teenagers are more likely to masturbate, due to hormones and changes taking place in the body. Adolescence is the time when the body begin to emerge, but this has nothing to do with masturbation. So be afraid that someone look at your hand and judge you need not exist.
Masturbation does grow breasts
If that were true there would not have plastic surgery. The breast in both men and women, grows naturally, and you can not do anything to increase the speed of growth.
Masturbation does not alter the growth of breasts and not something else. What again happens is that this body change occurs in adolescence and people connect changes to actions, but this is not realistic.
Cause pimples
Definitely not. Like the others is just a myth to scare people. In fact rather than cause pimples masturbation can even decrease the amount of them. Since the masturbating the body releases endorphins, which is the hormone responsible for generating sense of well-being in the body.
It’s bad for your health
It is also not true. Masturbation can be compared to any other sexual activity, and the effects on the body are very similar. May become a problem when the person stops doing other activities to be masturbating. In fact recently doctors have recommended masturbation to improve the health of patients.
May hinder pregnancy
Has nothing to do. Including masturbation can help a woman become pregnant. This is because those who practice it, know better your body, know differentiate what are the points that cause you more pleasure. Not to mention, that those who masturbate have more fun during sex.
Who masturbates has the largest penis
This can not be true because the physical characteristics are genetically determined, in addition to biological factors. Even at birth the child receives nutrients that will define the development of the penis.
So it is clear that masturbation does not interfere in penis length, this will depend on the health of man, and not how much he masturbates. But there are ways that can help men to increase penis size, read here.
Masturbating makes losing virginity
To start masturbating, especially young people, is concerned, it is that masturbation makes you lose your virginity? Some young people are overly concerned therefore need to consider a few facts.
What can happens is the woman introducing something into the vagina and this break the hymen to masturbate, but it is not decisive to say that she is not a virgin, because until then she had no physical contact with other people.
In ancient times, there was the idea that masturbation caused insanity. And these stories were passed from generation to generation to scare young people.
There are many myths and truths on this subject. In fact we realize that there are more myths. It is important when in doubt seek someone who understands the subject.
If you do not knows his own body, his genitals and how they work, you can try masturbation. The human hand has about 40,000 nerve endings.
It concludes that masturbation does no harm to health and can indeed be practiced. It is a natural human beings. Remember that it is also important to take care of health and personal hygiene, both women and men, see the post on this subject. Therefore it is recommended not to introduce things into the vagina as this can cause infections.