Erections and penile enlargement. Yes.
In fact the central factor in decreasing the rate of erectile dysfunction is the amount of sexual stimulation you get.
Erections are nothing more than the result of these stimuli, and they must happen. Playing with your partner and in the end not enjoying triggers some stresses in the body that does not do well.
If you want to prevent erectile dysfunction, have an active sex life and always with erections in every act practiced.
Erections and penile enlargement. Penis enlargement is a result you get will bring more pleasure and a more active sex life, as a result man will have more erections.
Yes, it can be concluded that penile enlargement prevents, as explained above, erectile dysfunction.
We want you to have a more active life and if for this you need to feel bigger, then increase!
But is erectile dysfunction related to other problems, or does it appear out of nowhere?
Do erections and penile enlargement prevent erectile dysfunction? # 1 Prostate
Erections and penile enlargement. It’s beginning to seem that prostate enlargement is related to age, it contributes ing for erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) has many well-documented risk factors, especially age and cardiovascular disease, but the prostate enlargement is not among them. This may change soon.
Research conducted over the past decade has suggested that early enlargement of the non-cancerous prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH) is linked to early erectile dysfunction. The association, if any, remains unclear.
Researchers do not know whether BPH is a true risk factor or whether the same processes that produce BPH also contribute to erectile dysfunction.
But it is beginning to appear that men with early BPH are at an increased risk for early ED.
Do erections and penile enlargement prevent erectile dysfunction? # 2 The pesquite prostate
Erections and penile enlargement. The prostate (not prostrate – not “r”) is a donut-shaped gland, located below the male bladder. It produces most of the fluid in the semen. The prostate also has the traversing urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen out of the body.
Unless it is infected, the prostate remains so unnoticed that many men hardly know they have one. But after the age of 30, the small gland begins to grow. Prostate growth may signal prostate cancer.
That is why men over the age of 45 should get annual prostate exams. But most of the growth of the prostate in middle age is non-cancerous BPH, which begins to cause symptoms in some men in their forties and most often in 60.
As BPH progresses, the swollen prostate pinches the urethra. This is painless but causes urinary difficulties:
Do erections and penile enlargement prevent erectile dysfunction? # 3 Urinary Difficulties:
• Sudden need to urinate immediately (urgency).
Difficulty starting (hesitation).
• weak flow.
• Difficulty of finishing .
• And having to get up at night to urinate one or more times .
Male prostate balloon due to age-related hormonal changes. After about 40 years, blood levels of testosterone in men decrease, while other hormone levels notably increase prolactin.
These changes increase the prostate levels of a male auxiliary sex hormone, dystrotestosterone, which is responsible for prostate growth and BPH in middle age.
At age 50, BPH affects about half of men and more as age increases.
Erections and penile enlargement. Testosterone requires an enzyme to become didrotestosterone, 5-alpha-reductase. The main treatments for BPH work by interfering with their action.
Do erections and penile enlargement prevent erectile dysfunction? # 4 Coincidence or Collaborator?
Erections and penile enlargement. BPH and ED have several elements in common:
• Both develop during the same stage of life, after about 45 years.
• Both tend to get worse with age.
• Recent research suggests that the two conditions share some physiological mechanisms.
• The nerves that control the erection run alongside the prostate. This is why prostate cancer treatment usually causes ED. It damages those nerves. It is also possible that enlargement of the prostate can tighten these nerves and contribute to erectile dysfunction.
Have sexual impotence occurs when a man can not get or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.
Do erections and penile enlargement prevent erectile dysfunction? # 5 Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation
Erections and penile enlargement. Sexual impotence is nothing more than a predominant factor in the sexual act for man, it is related to erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
As we will see sexual impotence is a much more serious case, it is a disease that can not be mistaken for a lack of libido for man.
His scientific definitions are:
Erectile dysfunction is the persistent inability to obtain and sustain an erection sufficient, allowing for satisfactory sexual activity.
Although erectile dysfunction is a benign disorder, it affects physical and psychological health and has a significant impact on the quality of life (QoL) of the carriers and their partners and families. Approximately 5 to 20% of men have moderate to severe erectile dysfunction.
The International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) adopted a completely new definition of permanent premature ejaculation , which is an evidence-based definition [1] :
” Premature ejaculation is a male sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation that occurs usually or always before vaginal penetration or up to a minute later, associated with the inability to delay ejaculation, resulting in personal consequences such as discomfort, distress, frustration and aversion to sexual intimacy” .
So, premature ejaculation can be classified as permanent (primary) or acquired (secondary).
Primary premature ejaculation is characterized at the beginning together with the first sexual experience and remains throughout life.
The acquired premature ejaculation is characterized by a sudden or gradual onset, with episodes normal ejaculation before the problem.
Ejaculation time is short but not as much as in premature premature ejaculation . The prevalence of premature ejaculation acquired varies from 20 to 30%, while the primary one ranges from 2 to 5% of men.
This more detailed study can be found in the article by Wespes E, and others, text: GUIDELINES FOR MALE SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION.
Do erections and penile enlargement prevent erectile dysfunction? # 6 Penis Enlargement
Erections and penile enlargement. Penis enlargement is a result you get will bring more pleasure and a more active sex life, as a result man will have more erections.
Yes, it can be concluded that penile enlargement prevents, as explained above, erectile dysfunction.
We want you to have a more active life and if for this you need to feel bigger, then increase!
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Stay tuned for the next post if you want to open up more fan when it comes to good intimate chat !
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1- GUIDELINES FOR MALE SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION: Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation [1] , year 2009. https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/Male-Sexual-Dysfunction-2012-pocket.pdf